Hi all-First, let me say I DON'T ever use honey with babes-but I was
interested in the pharmacology of all these non-prescription remedies! (Just
want to clarify myself : )
Next, with the discussion of shells, etc, I am reminded of the product on the
market known as Blis, which is marketed to help control leaking. I have only h
ad one mom to whom I recommended it, and she moved away and gave me no
feedback :(    Have any of you had positive/negative experience with them?
Thirdly, for Alicia's "survey"-Anecdotally, having been in neonatolgy for abou
t 15 years now, I can say that our babies are more AWAKE after delivery now
than then, due to a change from general anesthesia and heavy sedation in
labor to locals/epidurals. However, I truly believe that the medications/inter
ventions we now use have a LONGER action on impeding proper suck/latch in
some babies. OUr hospital does not have an overly high epidural rate for
labor ( it is high for c/s-generals are pretty uncommon). Yet, we are still
experiencing many problems with our early d/c patients. We do not yet have a
home visit followup program established ($$), yet are increasingly forced to
do early d/c's by the insurors. We have had several readmissions already this
year for dehydration and/or jaundice in BF moms, despite the fact that my
staff is well trained, and an extensive BF teaching protocol is used with all
moms prior to d/c (but how much do they remember if they did not attend a BF
class antepartum?). I get MANY phone calls, and my staff answer many as well.
I am fortunate to have Peds I deal with who are sensitive to the BF issues,
(if not always well informed), and refer increasingly to me rather than say
"give them a bottle". I KNOW we are heading in the right direction with BF,
if we are just not sent two steps backward by the third party payors. In
short, our moms do not receive home visits unless specifically ordered, and
no, the nurses do not all have maternal/child experience. Peds here try to
see all early d/cs (less than 40 hours) within 48 hours, which covers
jaundice, and other serious health issues for babe, but it really does not
help much on the lack of teaching/support of early BF. Does that help your
argument???  Go for it-I support you!

Lastly-to all- do we have anyone on the net from the Detroit, Michigan area?
I know someone there who REALLY needs an LC right now for help/support!
 Thanks all : )

Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC
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