While pregnant with my third child, I read THE CIRCUMCISION DILEMMA. The
author was Jewish and set out to document the need for circumcision; by
the time that she finished her research, she concluded that only
religious and special medical situations should be cause for
circumcision. Part of the book is a fascinating section on the history of
circumcision, both male and female. The latter is practiced frequently in
the mideast, and at least one argument is the same as ours for males:
cleanliness and and hygiene. Female circumcision usually includes the
clitoris, and may also be used to guarantee the virginity (the woman is
sewn up tight with only a very small opening for menstrual flow) of the
woman, as well as her fidelity to her husband. I found the information
quite shocking as well as enlightening, and I share the "hygiene"
argument with my infant care classes to help them gain a different
perspective on our own attitudes and beliefs regarding the male organ. I
highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know more about it.
Several anecdotes are shared, including the "rape-like" experience for
some little girls, who may be dragged out of bed in the middle of the night
and brutally circumcised by a group of adults while her mother stands by.


Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
