mothers generally have a very hard time getting a family MD to treat yeast

I agree entirely, but find that many dermatologists are as unhelpful, and
that at least a family physician may have a more wholistic approach to the
mother and infants' health than would an entirely skin-focused dermo.
I have considered enlisting the aid of a microbiologist and infective illness
specialist in some cases of long-standing thrush, as our local one has
an interest in fungal diseases, and has access to diflucan in greater doses
and at lesser cost than we general practitioners (family physicians) do.
Maybe this would be an option for some other LCs when the local dermos or
family doctors are unhelpful.  In Perth, Western Australia, with a population
of just over a million, we have 3 family doctors who are also IBCLCs, and
a few others who are 'breast friendly', so mothers will often travel quite
a distance to see us for treatment of thrush - it's a frustrating problem
we seem to share all over the world. :)