>I agree with Karen Gromada about the importance of insisting on a consent
>form when using used equipment.
>c) incomplete and/or missing parts that cannot be replaced

Kathy, if people insist on using used equipment, and have a kit with missing
parts that is sterilized, there are spare parts available from at least one
major pump company . I keep some of them, extra clean tubing, extra little
gizmos, and I order these and charge the client for them, a small nominal
fee.  I always to recommend autoclaving before they use the USED equipment ,
...my dentist nicely puts used kits in her dental equipment autoclave for 30
min, and then we keep one of these kits around and donate them if we get a
distress call from a mother with no funds.


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC
Williston, Vermont USA
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