Question: Does anyone know of any cases where disease transmission was
alleged with shared pump parts?  I take the theories very seriously, but
knowing that mothers share pumps much more casually and carelessly than
we would ever do, I wonder if there has ever been an incidence of
transmission. What is the actual risk rate? If parts are washed
immediately after use, all milk should be rinsed away. Top that with
proper boiling (20 min + a little vinegar in the water) and drying, and I
wonder sincerely what the risks are. I understand from a mfr's point of
view that no liability is better than any at all; this is the same
approach that pharmaceutical companies take to drugs and breastfeeding.
But then we like to weigh out risks vs benefits.... so let's do that. How
high are the risks? Anyone know?  Benefits: consumer satisfaction, cheap
when borrowing (which I do not recommend).

Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
