>I am working with a mother who delivered at 27 ? (by assessment, 25 by dates)
>weeks, C/sec for incompetent cervix and placenta previa. She is double
>pumping q 3-4 hrs during day and once at night.

Leslie, we give each mother who rents a pump a pamphlet by Sarah C. Danner
on Preemies and Bf. It is very informative.

I recommend that all mothers in this situation pump at least 8 times a day ,
with 10 being preferable. Wasn't there a study that said that a mother
needed to pump at least 100 minutes per day in order to adequately stimulate
lactation?  I recommend double pumping for maximum hormonal stimulation.


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC
Williston, Vermont USA
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