Early discharge is here to stay, at a small birthing center where I work,
breastfeeding is well assessed prior to discharge and an Independent
contracted IBCLC is called for ANY problems.  An IBCLC does a phone F/U
at day 3 to 4 PP to PROACTIVELY assess BF.  I find moms will answer a
phone or return my call, but will not initiate a call, often, they don't
know they have a problem with breastfeeding. We have been able to get our
FPs and PEDs to see babies before day 6 routinely, and a home health
nurse visits on request assessing BF in addition to other things.  Home
LC visits can also be done.  The hospital financially supports this program.
3 month F/U is also done.  The bottom line, I feel is BF must be
proactively supported, and making F/U phone calls by appropriate people
greatly facilitates BF and prevents problems.
        In our town, the Nurture III is used probably 30% of the time by
working moms as opposed to "other " pumps.  We have had MUCH success with
them, and its offered as an option.
        Thank you Kathy A for your input of effeciency as opposed to
strength of pumps.
                                        Robin Hollen