Kathy Parkes here, from San Antonio, Texas.  I'm the mother of two teenaged
daughters,  LLL Leader for 12 years, RN, IBCLC since 1993.  I have a private
practice here in town, have a contract with the city's WIC dept., and do some
LC work in a local hospital.  Discovered the LACTNET this week...what a
wonderful thing.  Have been saving & printing everything!

Denise:  You might try contacting the Texas WIC Program for some good printed
info in Spanish.  (The WIC clinics in town here are 90% hispanic, latino, and
mexican)  1100 W. 49th St., Austin, TX  78756.  They produce a wide variety
of bf info in Spanish, much of which I use in my practice and in the
hospital; the cost is fairly low too.

Am looking forward to learning more through e-mail!
