An interesting case.....this baby fits the criteria of borderline
failure-to-thrive. If maternal causes were ruled out (she has good let-down,
and test weights reveal good intake volumes), one has to look at the baby for
causes. These can include a number of problems including malabsorption
conditions, metabolic disorders such as thyroid dysfunction, or a condition
that causes increased metabolic requirements. This kid was small-was he term,
SGA? If so, he has legitimate increased caloric needs. These are just some of
the possibilities. He requires very close monitoring. If he does not continue
to gain consistantly, and show normal appearance/attitude, he needs an MDs
attentions and further assessment.

I also would like information on a good, inexpensive scale, if the two are
not mutually exclusive! I know Medela's is nice, but.....  :)

Denise Mollenkopf, RNC,IBCLC
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