I belong to a number of interactive lists for physicians. None offer
CME's. I do not see how one could document one's contribution to or
knowledge enhancement by participation online. Besides attending
conferences, physicians may receive CME credit for listening to audiotape
digests of medical abstracts or reading journals such as the American
Family Physician or Pediatrics in Review, but only if they enroll in a
program that requires their completing and submitting multiple choice
tests on the material they read.

I think LactNet is professionally benefical and that to try to attach CEU
or CME credit to participation may have certain negative effects, such as
attracting participants whose primary interest is not engaging in the
professional exhange of knowledge and support.I expect that most of the
current participants and those likely to join us have abundant
opportunities for accumulating CEU's/CME's.
Beth Williams, MD, MPH
Stanford Univ School of Medicine

On Wed, 5 Apr 1995, Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC wrote:

> Jan/Kathleen-I believe that one of the Neonatologists on one of the other
> nets said that a CME credit offereing was being worked on for the physicians.
> I don't see why, then, we could not do the same for our cont. ed. hours. It
> would, I'm sure, have to be an organized offering, (though you can't prove I
> would learn more than I am now...)
> with established objectives,etc. Do any of you physician members know of any
> CME offerings online at this time?  : )
> Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC
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