Yaffa:  If you have an electronic scale (like Medela's babyweigh), you
might conisder brining mom and baby in for before-after weight to get a
decent idea of actaul milk transfer. Communicate with me directly
([log in to unmask]) for particulars without raising maternal anxeity.

I also would try to pinpoint excactly when in feeding the baby starts to
pull off while hanging on to nipple.  Time this on both sides and see if
there is a difference or a relationship to number of swallows preceding,

Re: Karen Berg's cocnerns about oral contraceptives.  You need to know
exactly WHEN in 1st 8 weeks mother began taking same. Also what brand is
she on? Is it a "mini"pill or a sequential? Minis are not supposed to cause
milk prdouction problems, but every one responds differently to medications
so what might work well for MOST mothers with no such problem could be
exactly the wrong thing for this particular mother.

See Kathy Kennedy's chapter on fertility and contraception in BFL for
excellent discussion and explanation of double protection periods--that is,
when mother is amenorrheic and breastfeeding fully and also using
contraceptive method(s).  Foam and condoms along with exclusive
breastfeeding should be sufficient to protect her in the meantime.  But I
would get her off those pills and see if the production problem is resolved
(she may \need to do some extra pumping in the interim).  KGA

         %%  Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC    %%
         %%        Lactation Services            %%
         %%        Homewood, Illinois            %%