I am convinced that intraductal yeast exists--- here we call it a
"systemic" yeast infection of the breast.  I have worked with moms who
had classic burning and stabbing pains in the breast, but who weren't
always symptomatic on the nipple. When external treatment fails, diflucan
has worked well for this,
and so I am gratified to see that it is now discussed in Briggs and
receives positive support by the Rocky Mtn Drug Center.  Too many OB's
around here would rather tell the mother to wean than prescribe such a
drug, and yet they have no other answers. Meanwhile, I, too, am seeing a
in this problem as antibiotic use increases and treatment of early yeast
is neglected.  This would be another great topic for JHL!


Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
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