Hey, everyone - especially Kathleen Bruce (who nagged at me daily....)

So glad I took the two minutes to join.  I've never had so much fun getting
mail in my life!  This beats the junk that comes in the mailbox and makes up
for all the bills that arrive on a daily basis.  I don't have any major
questions at the moment, just wanted to take a minute to say hi to everyone.
 Hey Pardee - glad to see you are aboard too.

I'm an RN, an LC for 10 years - our Breastfeeding Connection just celebrated
our 10th anniversary of private practice.  Have three children - Jill is 20
and in nursing school; Torrey Beth is 16 and a junior in high school, and
Timothy (my reason for being an LC, little stinker) is 10 and in 5th grade.
 Bob (my other half) is a lactation trained pharmacist and director of a
hospital based home health service and an ambulatory pharmacy where he is
renting pumps and selling slings!! (All the employees at the pharmacy have
been well trained to do pump rentals by the IBCLC's at his hospital, so I'm
feeling assured he's doing a good job.  He's finally the administrator over
lots of nurses which he feels is only appropriate after being married to one
for 25 years!

Bye for now!  I look forward to more mail coming in!

Jan Barger