Hello all.  It is so nice to see the number of postings increase as
membership on Lactnet increases!  I have enjoyed all the notes.  It has come
to my attention that  a person might take the tone of  the Introductory
"rules of Lactnet" posting to be kind of harsh..or formal, especially those
who first join and are not used to Usenet groups or other email lists.  Let
me first say that it is not intended to be harsh in any way.  We want people
to enjoy and benefit from Lactnet.  The introductory note which you get when
you join is meant to help you learn how to do stuff where LIstservs are
concerned, and  is meant to give all who join an idea of what is and is not
acceptable to say or do when joined to a listserv group, specifically Lactnet.

In our group, people have been lovely and have posted helpful informative
messages.  In my experience on other lists, or newsgroups,   occasionally
you might get someone who gets on a list specifically  in order to SELL
something to the list participants, or someone who is argumentative just for
the sake of getting attention..etc.  These arguments which spawn are called
Flame Wars.  If someone came on to Lactnet and posted a note saying that
they were SURE formula was just as good as bf, and what was all the HOOHAH
anyhow about breastmilk...and why do we need LCS anyhow,  I am sure that you
can all envision possible problems developing.  Or for another example, if a
formula manufacturer joined in order  to try to sell us  their particular
formula, or argue for the merits of one product over another...with intent
to sell any product, this might spawn some angry notes, and it also would
interfere with the purpose of Lactnet...ie sharing and communication among
breastfeeding people.  Since LACTNET is open to everyone to subscribe,
(anyone can join who has a computer and email capacity)  we must guard
against the odd subscriber who may be joining in order to cause trouble...

.Hopefully, that will not happen. Right now, I am thrilled to say that we
have about 16 subscribers, and it is growing daily. We are loving all the notes.

Please let your LC friends know how to subscribe, and please let me take
this opportunity to welcome you to LACTNET..


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC
Williston, Vermont USA
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