>I have never seen an LC sell something that someone didn't need. But I
>suppose it COULD happen.

I believe it is important to consider the possibility of the above. There
are LCs or rental stations that have done this--their marketing is to sell,
and service re: optimal breastfeeding appears to be secondary. No names
necessary, but LCs do come in all sizes, shapes, stripes, and orientations.
We help ourselves by remembering that.  Ours is noto judge, but rather to
strive always to give optimal service.... or am I getting preachy?   KGA
>Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC
>Williston, Vermont USA
>[log in to unmask]
>Remember to stop and smell the "roses!"

         %%  Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC    %%
         %%        Lactation Services            %%
         %%        Homewood, Illinois            %%