
My experience, as opposed to research, is that 
the paediatricians of the prem babies I used to 
work with liked a gain of roughly 20g/day for the 
smaller pre-terms - <1500g.  But if born over 
that weight they liked a gain of 30g/day (1 oz a 
day).  The UK charts, based on the WHO charts, 
which _are_ based on research :-) confirm that a 
gain of at least this much is expected (ie seen 
as normal) for late pre-terms.  See

UK-WHO Growth chart for boys,  includes pre-term weights

UK-WHO Growth chart for girls, includes pre-term weights

If a premie is stable and healthy, but gaining 
less than this, then the baby's breastmilk intake 
needs to be increased - ie from 150-180ml/kg/day 
up to as much as 300ml/kg/day.  The paeds I 
worked with would increase the EBM in 30ml/day 
increments, ie from 180ml/kg/day to 
210/ml/kg/day, then to 240ml/kg/day etc.   It is 
not necessary to give formula or other milk 
supplements or fortifiers to achieve a better 
weight gain, nor to play about with the 
fat/calorie content of the EBM - simply feed 
_more_ ordinary breastmilk.  So easy, so natural, 
so normal, so nutritionally suited to the pre-term infant!

Pamela Morrison IBCLC
Rustington, England
Date:    Sat, 26 Apr 2014 12:15:14 -0700
From:    Tricia Shamblin <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: premie weight gain issues

I have a question about this topic also. Does 
anyone know of any research about what is 
concerned to be "normal" weight gain for 
breastfed late preterm infants? Also, if there is 
any research about premies and normal weight gain 
when mothers are on methadone. My theory on late 
preterm babies is that breastmilk is not designed 
to rapidly increase muscle mass and fat stores at 
first, but instead helps with lung maturity, 
immune protection and brain growth and then 
begins building fat stores later. Any research to 
back that up?  Also, any info on late preterm 
weight gain when mother is on methadone? I once 
had a patient that was stable on methadone 
treatment for 2 years, exclusively pumping for 36 
week infant. Day 1 - 5# 1 oz, lowest weight 4# 13 
oz at day 4, at day 9 was 5# 0 oz, and MD wanted 
formula supplementation due to slow growth. 
Infant was overall stable and withdrawal symptoms 
lessening, and I was happy with rate of growth 
and improvement in infant. If anyone can point me 
to any research about normal weight gain rates in 
late premies, and/or infants of mothers on 
methadone I would appreciate it. In the hospital, 
it seems that we have some contributing factors 
for high rates of formula supplementation in 
these babies: 1. Staff are used to rapid weight 
gain with formula 2. Staff feels that rapid 
weight gain is a sign of improved health 3. Rapid 
weight gain equals early discharges and thereby 
less work for staff My theories are meaningless 
to staff though without research to back it up. 
Any info would be appreciated. I have an 
opportunity to talk to some of the MDs soon. 
Thank you very much, Tricia Shamblin, RN, IBCLC

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