Nikki, my thoughts exactly, only I was too lazy to post. When everyone becomes so focused on thrush, and nothing is working, it most likely isn't thrush. I've seen this time and again. This is when it is time to look outside the square and start from the beginning. As it turns out, in this case, the diagnosis was shaky from the start.

Years ago, when "everything" was blamed on bad positioning, I saw breastfeeding helpers of one type of another trying to get the mother to get her positioning "right', often a very prescriptive "right". So I saw situations where no one had thought to take enough history to realise that a baby wasn't refusing the breast because of positioning/latch problems, but becaue of being older and efficient enough to take a full feed much more quickly. Or the supply was declining because of reduced feeding frequency while travelling - not "faulty" positioning causing poor milk transfer.

We all need to take a full history and keep other possibilities in mind. This is expecially so if repeated treatments have been tried and haven't worked.

Warm wishes,


Dr Virginia Thorley,
in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Nikki Lee wrote:

When a mother is treated repeatedly for thrush, with increasingly powerful
medications, and still has no probably isn't thrush. Failed
treatment is diagnostic.


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