Hi, I am very stumped about some severe breast pain being experienced by a mom I'm working with. 

Baby is 4 weeks old. Mother complained for 2 weeks about severe, stabbing and burning nipple pain. The pain lasted all day long, even after feedings ended. No evidence of nipple trauma, biphasic color changes noted. Treated with nifidipene for possible raynauds (10 mg tid) for 6 days with improvement - but many, many headaches from the medicine. 

The current, ongoing problem involves deep breast pain. This mom can't even touch her 2-year old without extreme sensitivity and severe bilateral pain. Just walking through the house causes pain!! This mother had 3 infections during pregnancy requiring antibiotics. Could this be intraductal thrush? My understanding is that this is no longer believed to be a likely diagnosis for mothers with these types of symptoms, but I'm just not sure what else it could be.

The help of the list is greatly appreciated - this mom I'm working with happens to be my own daughter, and she is ready to QUIT!! 

Thanks :-)
Brenda Phipps, BS, IBCLC


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