
I wonder if it varies from nursing program to nursing program in addition to the era in which a person attends nursing school, do you think? Our program required a semester-long course in 'therapeutic communication' and was taught by a practicing counselor/thearpist (for the sake of contextual background: she was PhD-prepared).

During our mental health rotation there was also a significant emphasis on counseling skills and not just limited to the phychiatric arena.hiss

There was also a tremendous push to get away from the paternalistic idea of patient compliance. I am sure you will be glad to hear this.

I don't mean to imply that this is in any way exhaustive, or that it was even by nature sufficient to prepare us in counseling clients regardless of the field , but that it is an important emphasis in some nursing programs.

Deborah Wetherill, RN, BSN, CCCE
Colorado, USA

Sent from my Verizon phone


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