This article which ( starts out with an annoying first sentence)  attempts to connect the relationship of close child spacing (due to not breastfeeding) to a higher risk of autism.  

'Gallup didn't do his own research but based his theory on data from a January study in the journal Pediatrics. That study analyzed more than 650,000 families to show that second-born children conceived within a year or less of the first child were three times more likely to have autism than second-borns conceived several years later. Gallup believes bottle-feeding may have been to blame.'

Well, around here in "IVF land"  moms are purposely having their babies close together -in order  to use those frozen eggs because they are "running out of time"  Should I assume that the fertility clinics are promoting this as well?   Many of these moms wean well before a year so they can "get on with it"    Maybe an article like this will curtail a few from doing so.

Maria (hoping for the best in NJ))


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