Many of the mothers I see for low supply are hypothyroid but have been tested and their levels are "normal/high" with medication.  Usually there was some early disruption of BF (like baby was jaundiced or difficult birth & recovery, limited early nursing), but it seems to me that these moms are more vulnerable to low supply problems under those circumstances.  (None of the moms I've seen for issues unrelated to low milk production are on thyroid medication, so they are my highly unscientific comparison group.  Plural of anecdote is data, they say.)   Can anyone more knowledgable about the thyroid explain why women with thryroid levels testing normal, even on the high end of normal, would be more likely to struggle with establishing milk supply?

BTW with these moms I've been using an hourly pumping protocol based on Hale & Hartman's study to measure baseline milk synthesis.   It usually doubles or more in a couple weeks of Goat's Rue and 4-breasted nursing plus some power pumping, or whatever frequent draining plan we work out.  They really like being able to see their progress in the increased rate.

Jessica Lang Kosa

Jessica Lang Kosa, PhD, IBCLC
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