A mom contacted me yesterday and asked whether there is data on how much bone density one is losing after bf for a year. Mom has been diagnosed with osteoporosis (not osteopenia) - her doctors explained to her she has 1/4 less bone density then the other women her age. Mom is nursing a 10 month old baby boy and has a 2y old girl who weaned early in her pregnancy. Her docs are suggesting she should stop bf after a 2 more months which she is not happy about, of course. They think the problem is complex and multifactorial though, so they don't blame bf as THE cause, but feel it could make her situation worse.

We discussed the effect of bf on osteoporosis prevention, how after weaning she will actually aquire more bone density etc - but she really wants to know if and how much bf can worsen her situation.

Can anyone offer more insights and info on this topic?


Christina Yaneva
National Association for BF Support


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