I agree Susan...this "stuff"(reviews, studies whatever) makes me sick when it comes out.  Hidden agendas everywhere it is difficult to know who to trust.  And if we feel that way, think of how scary it is for these new families.  
Anyway I also wanted to comment on the "more is better " American mentality.  We over do everything!!  The excess of product and always "doing" something instead of just "being". 
All this constant pumping when moms don't have to, cranking up the settings on the pumps, pumping durations (ie 30 min. vs 15) Tons of stored milk that will get thrown out!  Someone also posted recently, "Where are all these moms going?" I often say, "where are you going to Alaska for lunch?" (I live in NJ)  I will share with you one of my best lines: "Pumping is over-rated...it's "real-time" breastfeeding that counts!"  Yes, I do blame all the companies who just want to sell, sell, sell!  I talk more people out of buying stuff - it"s too much!!  I hoped we were smarter than that but we have been conditioned to be dumb and dependent.
Thus the need to consume, purchase, buy everything in site.  It's a travesty! 


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