The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine has an excellent Protocol on Co-Sleeping,  It talks about a lot of the research, what research is poorly done and why, as well as some well done studies.  It then summarizes at the end with recommendations for safe-sleep.  

Kathleen Kenall-Tackett also has information on her website, as well as a nice, succinct brochure called "Safe Sleep"  That is at 

Arguing with doctors won't get us anywhere, but we can educate parents with well done research, or shorter, accurate flyers...give them the information, and let them make an informed decision on the care of their child.  They don't need to advertise to their physician if they chose to co-sleep.  Most breastfeeding mothers will end up co-sleeping, whether they plan to or not, so they might as well know how to do it safely.

When I have visited several pediatricians offices, I have supplied a binder with copies of the ABM Protocols for quick reference,  so they may actually read it sometime!  If you don't want to do all of the protocols, you could supply a few at a time--give them a binder, and let them add to it as you provide them.

I feel sorry for you LC's who live in NY!

Kathleen L. Gale RN, IBCLC, RLC
Private Practice


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