We all know the first two, right?  
1.Feed the baby.  
2.Protect the milk supply.  

I propose a third one: empower the mother (/parents).

There is something to be said for a plan that covers both the first two commandments and at the same time contributes to the parents finding out that they actually can do this important first step in the big job of raising a child.  I *love* it when I see a mother leave my office with a straighter back and more confident spring in her step than when she came in.

I'm biased against complicated plans requiring lots of different actions at each feed, esp if some of the actions involve use of equipment that needs to be dismantled, washed, dried, and re-assembled many times daily.  Anything that gets in the way of baby being in someone's arms should really be well justified.  And any plan should have clear criteria for evaluating its effect, as well as a stated time for when such evaluation will take place.  I see lots of people who benefit greatly from using pumps for a time, don't worry.  They are included in the Plan when necessary, but only when necessary. 

Whew.  Sounds like I am really regimented and compulsively organized.  Those of you who know me will be snickering into your hands now.  The rest of you are welcome to have a fantasy of me with my spotless desk, alphabetized bookshelves, tidy house, and perfectly ordered closets, attic and basement, and my manicured, weed-free yard.  Despite my inability to create order in the chaos of my residence, I am good at helping new parents navigate the treacherous waters of the postnatal ward without getting shipwrecked along the way.

Rachel Myr
Kristiansand, Norway


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