Doula <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> A former doula client sent me this info.
> Can someone explain this article to me ?
> And wouldn't a mother who is exclusively
> bfing her child, here, in the US significantly reduce
> her infant's chance of even acquiring the rotovirus 
> whether she had IgA levels or not ?

Yes. Not just in the US. The headline is utterly irresponsible.

This is an in vitro pilot study and should not change practices. My
interpretation of the hypothesis at the end is that it suggests NOT that
formula use may be preferable, but that it is possible, after a lot of
further research, that a recommendation to time the oral rotavirus
immunisation between feeds rather than very close to a feed may end up
being appropriate - just as with oral polio vaccine.

Feeding formula, as anyone  knows who has had even a cursory look at the
data, is a highly effective way to make babies uniquely vulnerable to
dehydration and death from diarrhoeal infections.

Lara Hopkins


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