Dear All:

I am certainly repeating myself here, but I will say it again. There was a study (and I haven't tracked it down again yet) that was reported in one of my Lawrence books that had POOLED and pasteurized human donor milk. The comparison was formula.  The two milks were RANDOMLY assigned to the premies who were fed artificially.   The was a 10 IQ point difference between babies fed the POOLED pasteurized human donor milk and formula.  That difference persisted.  So, I really cannot agree that pasteurized human donor milk is a "formula" if no other substance has been added.  Processed yes, but formula no.  The study was so brilliantly designed that I've never forgotten it.  What I'm having trouble with is finding the original reference.  It was conducted in Great Britain.

Of course human milk fresh and directly from the breast is the gold standard, but the increments between pasteurized human milk and formula are huge -- on so many levels.

Best, Susan Burger

Who is still having trouble typing after the surgery for her snowboarding mishap, but grateful to have discovered a terrific community health center/hospital in New Hampshire complete with a birthing center and a wellness center (in the true meaning of the word) as a result.


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