Dear all:

The first thing I always do for a slide show presentation is to put the copyright mark in the template so that it is on all my slides.  I also use minimal visual information for my slides.  My handouts are in written format -- also with a copyright mark in the footer.   One could probably use "not for use without permission of the author" in the header and footer.  This alone doesn't stop some people.  When I first started breastfeeding groups at Elizabeth Seton Childbearing Center, I was rather horrified to discover that they merely had ripped off the front sheet with the copyright mark and "do not use without permission of the author" from the handout that was made by my former mentors.  I fairly quickly designed another handout and cited the other handout for anything that I felt was not my own creation.  I also called them and asked permission for the citations.  Due to that experience, I put the copyright in the footers so it is on each and every page.  That way, someone at least has to work very hard to get rid of the footers on every page if they truly want to pretend it is their own work.  In which case, what can one say about such unethical behavior?

I never use my slides as handouts because I find that you either use a lot of paper if you make the printed slides big enough for someone of my age to be able to read (yes, I am the classic stereotype of hating to use and always losing my reading glasses) or if you fit many of them on the page to reduce paper waste -- it is very hard to read the details.  I'm now struggling with revamping a website that is gorgeous but needs work on content and I am finding that what you prepare for reading as a handout also doesn't translate directly to the web screen.  Again, it needs a different format.

Plus, I have always hated Power Point.  Before Power Point there was Harvard Graphics -- which was far more versatile.  I am now using Keynote for the Mac which is terrific for animations and for photos.  For the first time ever, I can have a graph and change the graph and have it transition in the exact same spot without all sorts copying and pasting and nudging the graph a tiny bit this way or that way.   The movies work well too.  Still, not even this program is as good at enabling the scientific graphing capability of the old Harvard Graphics. 

Best, Susan


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