Hi Esther
Sorry I probably got in on this discussion late, and someone else may have posted this info, 
already, so, if that did happen, I apologize in advance.  This advise is good, if mom has 
already gotten into oversupply issues, then nursing on the same breast for 3 or 4, 10 
minutes sessions is a good idea, because, it wlll help slow her production, (regulate her 
milk supply),  to the baby's needs, instead of the baby getting the large amounts of 
foremilk, and feeling really full by the volume, and then getting the gassiness, to boot, from 
the large volume.  It's really easy for a mom to get into oversupply issues when she 
consistently nurses for 5-10 minutes on each breast, from the beginning of the baby's life, 
this is actually limiting the time, at the breast,which starts this cycle.  There may be some 
mom's that nurse short periods like this, and have no problems, like, baby's gassiness, 
loose stools, colic like symptoms, sometimes poor weight gain, but some gain too much 
weight! ha.  Anyway, baby needs the hind milk too, as we all know, they need it for their 
neurological growth and development, it aides their digestion, and they will gain weight 
best.  We are always worried about low fat diets, but babies are growing so rapidly, that 
they need the hind milk to sustain them between feedings, and, for all of the other reasons 
that I mentioned above.  This was the way that I was taught, by the best mentor, in my 
opinion, anywhere around, and unless anyone can prove me wrong, by evidence based 
information, I will continue to believe and teach the same.  


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