Morgan Gallagher <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Teresa Pitman wrote:
> > Okay, I don't understand this. If it's impossible to get enough 
> > Vitamin D from the sun, how did people survive all these generations?
> >
> Biologically, it's a 'new' issue.
> We only left Africa approx 70 000 years ago.   For much of that 70 000
> years, Vit D wasn't a major issue, as we migrated very slowly, and our
> skin (presumably) lightened to capture more Vit D from the weakening 
> sun, as we walked a bit, stayed put, had babies, walked a bit more.  It
> wasn't until we hit the very Northern Climes, with overcast skies much
> of the year, and the need to wear clothing and shelter from the elements
> all day long, that we ended up having to have exceptionally fair skins,
> to capture as much Vitamin D as we possibly could.

Also, "we" are not all in Northern climes, and there are no doubt
Lactnet members whose ancestors never left Africa, or who left or were
taken from African a lot more recently than 70 000 years ago. 

I have found the Vitamin D conversation tends to centre certain groups
of people as the default. Lactnet is a global group; many "we"
statements don't encompass us all. 

Lara Hopkins


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