<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I have permission to post. My old boss who now is doing LC at Miami
> Children's Hospital has a problem with several Moms of premies and called
> me for some input. I also suggested we post to the "Net". These mommies
> have low milk supplies. She has them pumping on schedule, ?watching their
> fluid intake she inquired about the use of Fenugeek and she had Sheila
> Humphries herbal reference and I had 2008 Hale. Hale states one case of GI
> bleeding noted in premies. Knowing how my neos react that would make the
> herb a "nono"

Fenugreek is simply another food, and one that is common in some diets
of the world.  Unless these neos automatically enquire about and attempt
to 'forbid' dietary seeds and legumes, I can't see any logic behind this
at all. I guess they just routinely exoticise and suspect foods they're
not culturally familiar with? Do they bar their Egyptian clients from
drinking tea? Their Indian clients from eating curry? Their American
clients from imitation maple syrup?

Lara Hopkins


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