Read all literature that is FREE on the web from WHO. They have information regarding HIV and Breastfeeding. Also, if you are not already, become an ILCA member. The Journal of Human Lactation is a great resource.

Leigh Erdos, IBCLC, RLC
Breastfeeding Educator, Chicago, IL
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-----Original Message-----
From: Lactation Information and Discussion [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 8:54 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: donor milk

Hello to all,

This conversation about the risks in human donor milk makes me feel very sad!  I guess milk from a woman you know isn't necessarily better for a baby than milk from cows you've never met!

I'm wondering if there exists a comprehensive list of what, exactly, a donor should be tested for.  I would love to be able to provide this list to a mother who is considering using the milk of a known donor.  Even better would be if this list came from a resource a mother could cite for her doctors.  I've seen some lists here of the obvious things -- HIV, Hepatitis, now CMV, I'd love to read more about HPV and its transmission (or not) in human milk...I'm beginning my study for the IBCLC exam this coming summer so I've got a budget for books and resources, I wouldn't mind being pointed in the direction of something that details human milk and infectious disease.

Thanks so much, as always, I learn such an incredible amount from those of you on this list.

--Diana in NY (LLLL, mom of 3, hopeful IBCLC in 2009)


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