I have had a referral from a community midwife seeking advice.
Second baby, well woman, normal pregnancy remained in primary care.
Induction of labour with cervidil. labour established after 24 hours of mild 
backache. Waterbirth of baby girl after 1 hr 50 mins of active labour and short 
few pushes. Unexplained cord rupture discovered on trandfer from pool to bed 
at 3 mins. baby remained skin to skin for 10 more mins then transferred to 
SCBU. Mother visited at 30mins and re commenced skin 2 skin and first breast 
feed at 50 mins. Exclusive breast feeding since, dischrged at 48 hours. Good 
weight gain, output and interaction with parents and family.
Haemaoglobin day 1 114, day 2 130, day 19 100. Paediatrician wishes parents 
to commence oral iron supplement now. Very motivated parents and 
grandmother who are concerned about interrupting baby's normal exclusive 
breastfeeding and the potential problem of introducing non breastmilk iron into 
the baby's gut.


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