Dear all:

Rachel's posting about the midwife on a mission or the "pitbull with a smile" capped a 
unique day.

From here in Manhattan --- today is a first since 1999 when I started my training in 
lactation.  I calculated out that I have seen well over 2500 mother infant pairs.  In all this 
time, I have never experienced this.  I saw two women on a home visit on the same day 
that not only had ONLY given breast milk, but also and ONLY fed from the breast.  This 
has NEVER happened before.

I attribute this to the childbirth educators and the doulas that assisted these two women.  
Both had conditions that could easily in other hands, ended up as high intervention births 
and in Manhattan --- would usually have ended up as surgical deliveries.  One woman 
knew enough from her childbirth education class to seek out the ONLY obstetrician who 
was willing to try a vaginal delivery.  The condition reversed itself just before delivery 
and she ended up with minimal interventions.  The other woman was constantly being 
pressured to have interventions during delivery and her doula did a marvelous job of 
helping her visualize which enabled her to avoid the interventions entirely.  

What a joy to stand back and watch what these women were doing and make minor 
adjustments to enable them to be more comfortable.  One baby does need an evaluation 
for a tight frenulum --- but mom was able to do a great job of compensating. 

Would that all woman have such attentive care.  This has truly been a joyful day for me.

Best regards, Susan Burger


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