Lisa and all,

I work with WIC both at a local agency and for the state as a breastfeeding promotion/support consultant.  Washington state recommends the criteria for the pumps it provides and each clinic develops it's own policies which are reviewed at the state level.  So there are some differences between clinics.  Also both state and clinic policies allow for "professional discretion".

In my local agency I have worked with (and our Peer Counselors support) mothers who are EBM feeding only with pumps.  We have had a number of mothers who have made this choice (one who had done it with 3 children) despite having the physical ability to put baby to breast. I would consider this professional discretion.

We try to encourage moms to put babies to breast, give them the information and possible consquences and then we support them via food packages, peer counseling and providing them with a pump that is most likely to help them succeed.  However, one issue is availability and prioritizing...if I have one pump and a mother who chooses EMB feeding and a mom with a baby with a cleft palate who's baby could not feed at the breast.....fortunately I haven't had to make the choice so far.

Michele L. Crockett, IBCLC, PCPA 
Breastfeeding Promotion Consultant 
Washington DOH/WIC Nutrition Program 
PO Box 47886 
Olympia WA 98504-7886 
Phone: 360-236-3631 
FAX: 360-236-2320 
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Breastfeeding is a health decision, not a lifestyle choice! 


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