<<If I’m interpreting Karyn-Grace’s concerns correctly, she is frustrated at
least in part
because most new mothers are much more likely to believe what medical people
them than what peers tell them. >>

That would be my frustration, as well, and part of the reason I've decided
to join "the medical people."

A mother called me with the list of medications to be used for a procedure.
I gave her the information out of Dr. Hale's MMM. Her painkiller is
"approved by the AAP" and her radiocontrast agent has a 1/2 life of <2 hours
with a molecular weight of 777. She chose to wean for *7 days* at the
request of the anesthetist who got his information from the Physician's Desk
Reference. She told me she'd be calling me back after 7 days to help her get
the baby back to breast.

<< I don’t discount what others have written about the power of peer support
and teaching by example.  However, if a trusted medical professional has
told a new mother <<snip>> >

In this case, it's was a trusted medical professional (CRNA) with no
breastfeeding experience versus someone with nearly 20 years experience in
breastfeeding information. Why would there be any question over who was the
more knowledgeable?

Her question to me was, "What should I do? What would you do?" To which I
could not answer. I cannot give her medical advice. I cannot tell her what I
would do. Clearly, she wanted to be told what to do, rather than what 50
other mothers have done.

He stated in no uncertain terms, "You CAN NOT breastfeed with this
medication in your system!" and I told her, "According to research, there is
no reason why you should wean the baby for 7 days." Who carries the more

Best wishes,

Heather "Sam" Doak
where it's almost sunny!


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