Hope you don't mind me sharing. I was at a holiday party Sat. night and was sitting in my friend's nursing rocker when a woman, whom I have seen before at other functions, sits down and says to those gathered "that's a nursing footstool." Her husband groaned and said "oh no, here comes the breastfeeding talk."   It turns out she is an LC at a local hospital that has a good BF initiation rate for around here, and we had a quite a good conversation from the impact of epidurals to the discharge bags (thought of Marsha Walker) to the  VT airline incident (contrary to rumour out there, we at LLLI did speak to the mother and gave her information-I have the cell phone bill to prove it!).  What a pleasant surprise.  Anyway, to those who are celebrating today..enjoy. 
Melissa Vance, JD, LLLL 


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