I agree that it will be a great loss if there are no more LLLI conferences.  I have been attending both LLLI and ILCA for many years.  I usually switch each year.  The atmosphere is different in a wonderful sort of way at LLLI conferences.  I'll never forget my first ILCA conference when I had my 15 month old son with me.  I sat down at lunch and breastfed him at the same time.  The table became quiet and finally one woman told me quietly that there was some milk available over at the drinks table.  For a moment I panicked and thought I was in the wrong luncheon! Now I'm not saying I don't love ILCA conferences, I do, but for pure love of breastfeeding, no matter the age of the child, you can't beat LLL.  I am sorry that they are having trouble continuing to finance this important celebration of breastfeeding.  I hadn't planned to go to LLLI next year, but I guess I will be changing my plans!

Becky Butler, IBCLC
La Plata, MD


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