I have been off mail recovering from hip replacement. A co-worker called 
to ask that a mom had called and said that she was has bruising on the 
underside of the breast on the lobe. no nipple soreness baby is an 
aggressive nurser but does not recall any pain during nursing. Co-worker 
did not ask if she co-sleeps with baby to see if baby is kicking. Baby is 
5 weeks of age. Does not wear an ill fitting bra and the bruising is no 
where near bra area. Just stumped and want to see if any of you great 
minds have come accross this one.
Have another problem come up with another mom, previous mastitis, now 
yeast, plugged ducts prior to mastitis. Had co-worker refer her to 
physician for the yeast and enlarged area of prior plugged ducts 
questioning possible galactocele. Suggested she take lecitin due to 
frequent plugged ducts. She seems to be prone to plugged ducts. Baby seems 
to be gaining well, feeds well. Is it possible that hormones are causing 
the frequent plugged ducts? I hate to see her having to pump that side 
just to keep from getting plugged. I haven't returned to work yet but have 
been trying to keep things going by phone calls to co-workers from home.
Your response is appreciated.
Terri Klein RN CLE CLC


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