
It is my understanding that an IBCLC needs a scale for test weights that is 
accurate down to 2 grams. The scale needs to weigh in increments of 1/10 of 
an ounce or 2 grams so that accurate feeding intake can be assessed. I know 
of only two scales on the market that fit this criteria -- the Medela Baby 
Weigh, and the Tanita BLB12. You can find the Tanita BLB12 on the internet 
for around $800, the Baby Weigh is much higher. The Olympic Smart Scale is 
supposed to be this accurate but I believe it isn't being manufactured any 

Some IBCLCs rent the BW from Medela for a low monthly fee. This would be the 
best route if money is an issue for you. Medela's web site says the BW is 
the only one proven to be accurate for test weights, they do not claim this 
for the Baby Checker.

Having professional knowledge and equipment sets an IBCLC apart from the 
others who are doing lower level. For babies with problems, visual 
assessment just isn't enough. I have worked with way too many babies who 
"look great"  by sucking and swallowing actively but the test weights show 
only 12 ml intake. And of course, I mean babies old enough to be removing 
2-3 ounces of milk at each feeding.

Kathy Eng, BSW, IBCLC 


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