Hello everyone 
I have a question about a lady I saw today. She has given me the go ahead 
to post
30 (ish) yr old , 
> She has 14yr old that she fed with no problems for 1 year.
> had implants 8 years ago , periareolar incisions/ with reduced 
> sensation .
> Baby born 1/10 SVD no problems
> Milk came in Day 3/4 no problems  for first 6 weeks
> Around week 6 baby began fighting at breast , always hungy never 
> satisfied. Mum feels supply dropped and never recovered.
> Weight gain  180 grams 1st week
> 350 grams!!! 2nd week
>  week 3,4,5 gained 740 grams
> over next 2  ( week 6,7)weeks he only gained 20 grams
> and following 2 ( WK 8,9)gained  410grams
> Total weight gain since birth 170 grams /week. Perfect 
> . Baby went from stooling 2/3 day to 1 every 4/5 days "with help". Mum 
was worried and gave him an enema , prune juice and water. 
> Stools were not hard , plentiful , lots of it when it did ewventually 
arrive! I told her this was fine - babies can go 7 days + without BO's.
>  At week 8 Mum began supplements  of  formula approx 250-400 mls day at 
week 8 .
> The only other thing was that  mum began menstruating again around week 
> 6 ( strange with exclusive feeeding??). Mum has just had a coil fitted 
at week 10. 
> Anyway my question-  is it the periareolar incision- implants and why 
> did it take 6 weeks for the supply to go?
Has anyone seen this with implants- that everything ok for 6 weeks then 
sudden drop??
 It was hard to assess the baby because he was not well with a mild 
pyrexia and pale - I told mum to bring him to the doctor ( he had only 
been unwell since the night before) She said he is normally active and 
 I cant understand with that weight gain in the first few weeks how the 
supply could just go- and it is reduced but I know the formula is not 
helping it now. 
Any suggestions appreciated ...
 We have started fenugreek and fennel tea and bfeeding as much as possible 
and reducing supplements  gradually once baby well again . 


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