Dear Jaye,

What good work you've already done by being there for this mom and offering 
your support.  Never underestimate the power of this; it is most often more of 
what moms need than research or additional information.  I don't need to 
negate that often moms need and appreciate our doing some research for them and 
finding info and support resources in the community, however, having worked 
recently with a mom whose baby had possible craniosynostosis, I realize what I 
offered her most was support for many months, and it is this she needed so much.  
She was always ahead of me with her internet researching, but the one thing 
she couldn't get from a machine, was a phone call, a hug, and yes lots of 
emails, too.

Listening, validating feelings, acknowledging that it's tough, makes a 
difference.  Perhaps, this isn't exactly what you were looking for as an answer, but 
I have realized over the years how important all the above is to moms in 
crisis.  As this mom may be aware of, though probably thinking the worst, CP has 
all levels of severity.  With early therapies, some disabilities can be 
lessened and even prevented.

All the usual goodies babies deserve, like carrying in a sling or soft 
carrier, being spoken to/sung to, infant massage with PT/OT guidance so as not to 
cause more tightness or spasm of muscles, and of course, breastfeeding can put 
this baby ahead.  Maybe you could accompany her to baby's therapy, if ok with 
mom, and in that way learn more, too.  I just remembered something that can be 
helpful and that is when talking with her remind her to do one nice thing for 
herself eveyday, no matter how small it is.  It sounds like you've been then 
for her for awhile and I'll bet she'd appreciate your continuing contact and 
support; good work, Jaye.

Barbara Latterner, BSN, RN, IBCLC


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