Hoping for some information and advice to pass on to this mother. Posted 
with her permission and gratitude for any support. Sorry this is kind of 
Baby boy is 8 weeks old, birthweight 7.14 pounds, weighed yesterday 11.5 
pounds. Have been talking to mother on a semi-regular basis b/c her 
complaints of a gassy/fussy baby, lot of breast leakage, fullness, and 
discomfort which indicated oversupply. (She has a two year old who she 
said she never seemed to have enough milk for).  Baby was healthy up until 
October 8. That day, mother reported baby was lethargic and hard to wake 
for feedings. In the evening she changed a diarrhea diaper that was very 
foul-smelling and contained blood. She was advised by her son's  
pediatrician to go to the Emergency Room. The baby was given IV fluids (no 
breastfeeds allowed) overnight and discharged the following afternoon. 
Mother was instructed to drop all dairy from her diet, as dr. suspects 
dairy allergy. Baby seemed better for a few days, then on October 11 
mother again noticed the return of foul-smelling stools with blood. Mother 
was concerned at that point because she had replaced all of her dairy 
consumption with soy milk. When the 2nd episode of diarrhea occurred  
mother was advised that baby was probably allergic to soy as well, and to 
remove soy, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, and canned foods from her diet. 
The pediatrician also told mother to pump and dump her milk for two weeks 
while doing the elimination diet, and her baby was placed on Nutramigen 
formula. Mother tried this regimen for three days, and has again noticed 
the return of foul-smelling, blood-containing stools. She is not convinced 
that formula is or ever was necessary. It is her heartfelt belief that her 
baby caught a virus. Baby has been tested (all negative) for bacterial 
infections. It was mentioned to her that they were considering Rotavirus, 
but mother has had no confirmation of diagnosis. Baby has been 
prescribed "1/4 teaspoon of Mylanta twice a day for acid reflux" and 
mother has been advised to give Mylicon drops (for gas) before every feed. 
By yesterday's pediatrician check-up mother was told she can now 
reintroduce breastfeeding (the second doctor did not agree with the first 
that removing breastmilk was advisable, but did suggest mother maintain 
her now very restricted diet). Mother changed a "green mud with blood in 
it" diaper this a.m. Tests on stool confirm presence of blood. Mother also 
told me that the doctors said that based upon xrays they think her baby 
may have colitis or some other disorder. Throughout this period baby has 
never had a fever or other sign of illness other than the lethargy the 
first day and the uncommon stools. This baby was hospitalized at three 
days of life for dehydration/jaundice. He was given IV's and formula 
supplements and discharged the next day. He has been given nothing but 
breastmilk (mostly at breast with an occasional bottle of expressed 
breastmilk) since then.  I have referred the mother to a pediatrician who 
I know is also an LLL leader, and also to our local hospital's lactation 
clinic for further eval and second opinions. This is the same hospital 
where her baby has been admitted previously. Mom is very frustrated, as 
she has gotten some seemingly contradictory advice. For instance, the 
ingredients of Nutramigen show that it is soy, yet she has been told to 
eliminate soy from her diet. Also, mother was put on a calcium supplement 
(viactive)since she was eliminating dairy, yet when she read the label on 
viactive it has several milk-derived ingredients. She is frustrated and 
unhappy, and I am the only person who is on "her" side. Her husband and 
family are pressuring her to wean the baby to formula, just as she was 
pressured to supplement and/or wean her first son. She does not want to 
give up what she "knows is best". She has dug in her heels, but now she is 
on a limited diet and the doctors are recommending more invasive tests on 
her son. 


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