I think a study comparing groups with and/or without feeding tubes or 
pumping.  However, I think it would also be important to try to control for 
the effectiveness of the tube device that was being used.   Using the SNS, 
IMO, would be likely to turn in results that suggested that pumping was 
better at stimulating milk production than suckling with a feeding tube.  
However, this would be due to the ease of delivery of the supplement through 
the tube device, requiring much less nutritive suckling at the breast.   
Some babies become very efficient at expressing the tube without expressing 
the breast well.  Many more may be suckling pretty well with the tube, but 
spend less time at the breast because they get their tummies full too 

In my opinion, the best way to control the results in the groups that were 
suckling with tube would be to have all of the mothers use the Lact-Aid, 
preferably with specific instructions on how to control the flow of it.  One 
thing would be to have the mothers try to have the supplement at the same 
temperature, since warmer supplement flows a bit faster than cooler.  Also, 
you would have to take into account what supplement was being use.  EBM 
flows significantly faster than the standard formulas.  Even adding a little 
EBM to formula will cause it to flow a little faster.  Another way to 
control flow is how far the bag is hung above the mother's nipple.  Also 
very important is to make sure that the mother is not wearing the Lact-Aid 
in a way that puts pressure on the bag and creates a constant, as well as 
faster, flow.  A common way that some mothers have done this is to stick the 
unit inside their bra, between their breasts.   Wearing the Lact-Aid in a 
pouch that is attached to the mother's bra can be a satisfactory way to use 
it, but only if the pouch is large enough that it does not squeeze the bag, 
when full.  I would suggest that the best way to wear it, for the sake of 
controlling variables, would be with the neck ribbon.

If you used the SNS, I think it would be even more important to give very 
specific instructions, since there is such a wide variety of ways to control 
the flow.  The tube size is one, of course.  I would suggest that mothers 
use the smallest tubing, with both tubes open.  Closing the other tube will 
slow the flow more and more and then cut it off completely, as a vacuum is 
formed.  The mother will either need to open the opposite tube periodically 
to get it flowing again, or the baby will learn to break his suction on it 
to get it flowing again.  The variability of the frequency of breaking the 
suction would make it much more difficult to determine the ease at which any 
one baby was able to express the supplement.  Also, a baby who was getting a 
widely varied flow would also be less likely to settle in and suck well.

The homemade setup with a tube would probably have more consistent results 
than the SNS, but I can't comment any further on that.  I would love to hear 
from anyone who has personal experience with it, though!

Darillyn Starr

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