A decade ago, I was in Miami, picking up my youngest adopted child, Joanna.  
I also had my 21 month old son, Joseph, who was still nursing 1-2 time a 
day, and 9 year old son, Allan, with me.  We were evacuated from our 
beach-front hotel, due to Hurricane Erin.   I was more afraid of having a 
five day old baby at a shelter, being exposed to bacteria and viruses from 
tourists from all over the world, than I was of the hurricane.  I only had a 
partial milk supply, so I still needed to worry about having clean water to 
mix with formula for the Lact-Aid, but it was a great comfort knowing that 
she was getting the immunities from at least some milk from me.  
Fortunately, hurricane Erin turned out to be a false alarm, at least for 

I always wonder, in a situation like what is going on now, if there is 
anyone encouraging bottlefeeding mothers to suckle their babies, to get some 
amount of breast milk going, not just to be able to reduce the amount of 
formula needed, but to get immunities to their babies.  A situation like 
what exists in New Orleans and the other areas that have been so devastated, 
is not one in which the standard arguments for the safety of formula feeding 
apply.  It is like the situation in impovershed nations where formula 
feeding is associated with very high mortality rates.   If only there was a 
way to get the word out!


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