Dear all:

I was asked to describe the "chicken wing arm", the "death grip", and the "slump". What I do in the
class is just show the parents this.

For the chicken wing, I stick my elbow out, hold my breast in a U-hold way back at my chest and
tense up my shoulder so its up at my head.  Even though I have very small breasts, parents get it
that if you have medium to larger sized breasts that you are trying to plop into the baby's mouth
with this approach you're going to get tired and that your shoulder is going to ache.  It becomes
immediately apparent to the partners that a little shoulder massage is a good thing to relax mom.

For the death grip, I usually hold one of the baby dolls with my hand and flex my wrist so that the
poor doll's head is smooshed into its chest.  Because of too much sun in my youth from living in
California back when tans were cool and spending a little time in the Andes where there is no
atmosphere to protect you from UV radiation, my hands are very wrinkly with a thin layer of skin,
so I can literally make my tendons stand out in a way that shows tension.  Again, it is immediately
apparent that this could be a cause of carpal tunnel and a little massage on the wrist will relax
mom's hand.  Then I show how nicely wrist extention will enable baby's chin to come forard.
When I'm really feeling dramatic, I do that nervous mom immitation where she's turning her face
away, toes curled up in anticipation of pain, hesitating before latching, and the then final push in
with the face grimace.  Then I show the relaxed version with a relaxed wrist.

For the shoulder slump, I put the baby doll on my lap, curve over and drop my breasts down to
baby level.  Since I have small breasts, I can get a tremendous amount of back curve, which again
shows clearly the need for adequate support of the baby at breast level and the need for a little
shoulder or back massage.

Sometimes I mention the digital dads - the ones who photograph everything with a digital camera.
I encourage them to do so and then be ready with folded diapers and receiving blankets to prop
up body parts appropriately so mom is comfortable.

I think this is the only part where I feel that the "Follow Me Mum" video is a little lacking.  The
babies are older and I always mention that moms will be able to nurse pillow-free like the
dangerously dangling babies in the movie, but while they are learning in the first days and weeks,
it is OK to use props while learning.  Just like kids use training wheels on a bike are able to take
off the training wheels.

Hope that helps.  To be honest, I really didn't get reverse pressure softening no matter how many
times it was described until I saw it and I really didn't get the "bend the breast" technique which is
what we call the Rebecca Glover version of the nipple tilt until I saw it either.  I learn visually.

Best, Susan Burger

PS.  To Kathleen Bruce - It is probably healthier for me that it isn't practical to adopt a Cingular
approach to posting messages - especially since I'm one of the worst offenders on lengthy posts!


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