As a hospital IBCLC (RN, WHNP), I can say that I have nothing but respect
and admiration for all folks who help moms and babies with lactation.  I (as
well as LCs from other hospitals) work with the CSRA Breastfeeding Coalition
to bring education to the community (especially other HCPs).  There does not
seem to be a conflict with those that are medical (we have a Pediatrician
IBCLC as well) vs the other diverse backgrounds.  We learn from each
other-and, mistakes can be made by anyone.  I think it would be great if
there was less condemnation of what we perceive to be poor guidance and more
gratitude to have people trying to do the right thing (then, the correct
message is more likely heard).  Nancy

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Ann Lorber, LLLeader [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:26 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: educational requirements for LCs & building bridges

Many of the posts on this topic is my feelings also and Teresa, your post 
really describe my thoughtsl. I have felt this way for years and have slowly
the change in lactation persons in a hospital give awful parenting info that

effects breastfeeding---- baby must sleep through the night, pacifier or 
bottle ok early on or parenting schedules. You draw the parallel of lay
midwifes to 
obs and many many many yrs ago drs saw the place for midwifes but this is 
certainly not the case today. So too now many many on Lactnet/IBCLCs respect
see the important benefit of lay counselors because many have come from that

but as time goes by I don't think this will be the case unless it is worked
keep that bridge in place and mutual respect and seeing the important need
both. I do see the important need for qualified LCs in the hospital and my 
hat is off to those who are able to be in the trenches everyday and deal
all the other stuff as you try and help moms nurse! 

So, for those of you hospital based LCs---What do you do to keep the bridge 
between lay support and yourself open? What do you want to see happen? What
you want from lay support groups? What do you not like to see from lay

Kim Ann 

Kim Ann Lorber
[log in to unmask]
mom to 4 breastfed boys!
"While breastfeeding may not seem the right choice for every parent, it is
best choice for every baby."~~~ Amy Spangler


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