I'm looking for references about breastfeeding and listeria.

4 day old term baby with meconium aspiration. Baby has been in the Special
Care Nursery and NPO.
Today they have added a secondary diagnosis of listeria in the baby. Mom
has had no symptoms herself during pregnancy or now. Because of baby's
diagnosis, assumption is infection was acquired in utero. Mom was started
on anitbiotics today.
Baby continues NPO (may start eating tomorrow), mom has been pumping and
storing EBM in SCN freezer.

The questions have been brought up:
1. Is the listeria going to be possibly present in mother's milk?
2. If it is, how long after antibiotics started for her, before baby can
recieve her milk?
3. Can he only receive her milk obtained after that time on antibiotics? Or
can he then recieve milk pumped before her antibiotics started? Or does she
need to do something else with the previously pumped milk?

I've searched the CDC site and the AAP's red book on infectious diseases.
Neither answer any questions about breastfeeding or mother's milk r/t

I did find on the Latrobe website that human milk's "bifidobacterium
bifidum produces Bifidocin B which kills Listeria". But of course this baby
would not have this colonized in his gut yet.

Has anyone else had a newborn baby with listeriosis diagnosed?

Any references or helpful information would be appreciated.

Rachel A. Miller RN, IBCLC
south carolina


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