Dear Jennifer,

I don't have any suggestions to make but do have a success story. A cousin
of mine delivered a full term baby. She did not get an epidural but was
given demerol a few times 'to take the edge off the pain'. She suffered a
horrible perineal tear ( that's another story). The baby came out fine but
wanted nothing to do with the breast and so was given several bottles in
the hospital. Pumping was initiated. I saw him at 24 hrs. He had a very
uncoordinated suck. Did poorly at the breast. We tried feeing tube, SNS,
nipple shield and a lot of praying to get this baby to latch. Baby in the
meanwhile was very, very groggy; not at all fussy or demanding.
In the 2nd week, he started waking up and also started screaming whenever
he was close enough to see or smell the breast. My cuz OTO was going
through h*ll with pain and discomfort and couldn't even sit up in bed for
very long to try to nurse. She continued to pump and produce more than
enough for her baby. I thought for sure her nursing carreer was over. But
this brave woman persisted.
In the 3rd week, he started accepting the breast unwillingly. He would
clench his jaws and bite down on her nipples causing excruciating, toe
curling pain that brought her to tears. But this sister of mine persisted.
Around this time she saw a world class LC who gave her a few tips and loads
of encouragement.
He just turned a month old. He is exclusively breastfeeding. Some women
will really walk on fire to be able to breastfeed.

Vaishali Kute, MD FAAP

Pediatrician in Atlanta


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