I don't know the bf climate at your facility, but since you said they are
going towards BFHI then you must be in a pretty good climate. Therefore,
based on what you said about concerns, and that you rarely use the reverse
syringe, I suggest that you abandon its use. I guess this is not what you
are really asking for but I think it would move you forward faster.
If you haven't used it much, do try reverse pressure softening, an excellent
technique that really works. You must apply the reverse pressure for more
than just a few seconds. It really helps make the nipple/areolar complex
much more latchable. You can also use a pump or good ole hand expression to
help evert a nipple.
One of the biggest reasons, I feel, that babies have trouble latching are
the barriers in place at non-BFHI facilities. I think you will have even
less need for such devices once you have the 10 steps in place. For example,
delayed first feeding, maternal infant separation, and artificial nipples
are huge barriers. Good luck in your journey to BFHI. I truly envy you.

Laurie Wheeler, IBCLC, MN, RN
New Orleans Louisiana, s.e. USA


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